Christmas Party and Short Story Contest Winners
On Sunday, December 2, the members of the Sarasota Fiction Writers group gathered for a festive holiday dinner featuring the announcement...

Amy Ratcliffe Discusses Improving Your Writing Without Writing
On Tuesday, November 7, writer and editor Amy Ratcliffe, a two-time winner of the Sarasota Fiction Writers Annual Short Story Contest,...

November Featured Speaker: Amy Ratcliffe
Editor and former Sarasota Fiction Writers member Amy Ratcliffe will speak at the Nov. 7 meeting of the Sarasota Fiction Writers at Selby...
September Critique Meeting Location Change
The Sarasota Fiction Writers Critique Group will meet at Barnes & Noble instead of Books-A-Million on September 20, 2017 at 6PM. Please...

July Meeting Takes on Strunk & White
At the July 11 Sarasota Fiction Writers meeting, five of our members presented some of the highlights of Strunk & White’s famous...
Sarasota Fiction Writers officially has its web address back
After a year of waiting and dealing with GoDaddy, we're happy to announce that the website address has been changed to...

Author Jaimie Engle discusses self-publication and marketing
At the June 6 Sarasota Fiction Writers meeting, author Jaimie Engle shared her experiences and knowledge concerning self-publication and,...

Author Lisa Unger Returns for Presentation
Sarasota Fiction Writers is pleased to announce New York Times Best-selling author Lisa Unger's second visit to our monthly meeting at...

Children's Author Dianne Ochiltree Talks Tips
On November 1, children's author Dianne Ochiltree shared several of her writing tips with the Sarasota Fiction Writers group. Dianne is a...
Manatee County Public Library Offers Flash Fiction Contest
The Manatee County Public Library’s 805 Literary Arts Journal is hosting a flash fiction contest to win a ticket to the Library...